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György Ligeti: Piano Works


Musica ricercata No. 1

Suggestions for performing Musica ricercata No. 1In the introductory video, Pierre-Laurent Aimard gives some advice on studying and performing Musica ricercata No. 1, drawing mainly on the composer’s wishes and performing suggestions, which Aimard took note of during their collaboration. In the interactive score for Musica ricercata No. 1 you can choose to display the composer’s performing suggestions directly in the score using the function “Ligeti’s comments”. In addition, the interactive score for Musica ricercata No. 1 also includes several videos of masterclasses, which deal with problems of technique as well as performance issues.

Musica ricercata No. 1

Ligeti & Aimard

Musica ricercata No. 1

Musica ricercata No. 7

Étude 13:

L’escalier du diable

Inside the score

Performing Ligeti

Education projects


Thanks to our partners and sponsors:

Fondation Meyer
Ernst von siemens musikstiftung


Copyright © Stiftung Klavier-Festival Ruhr